Wednesday, May 7, 2014

The Band Final-

At the end of every second semester the band has a two part final...yes the band has to do a final. The first part of this band final includes playing scales around the circle of fifths. But this year my band Director decided to make it a little more entertaining...we all have to play twinkle twinkle little star around the circle of fifths. It doesn't sound too bad; but we have to play it in a room in front of the impending recorder of doom. You get one shot and that's either somewhat succeed or miserably fail. Now that is only the first part of the band final, the second part of the band final is playing Pomp and Circumstance at our high schools graduation. This also doesn't sound too bad. But graduation ceremonies normally occur at the end of May and early June...when its blazing hot out and we are wearing our black tuxes and dresses. Don't get me wrong I love spending time with my fellow band geeks but when its the last day of school the last thing I want to do is to play the repetitive song at graduation...I want to go swimming with friends and have some fun! I will say though if you survive the band finals you can officially call yourself a band geek!


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