Friday, January 31, 2014

Personal Band Story-

When I was an 8th grader signing up for my high school classes I had to make a decision if I was going to continue with band. To be quite honest I didn't want to do band because my older brother had experienced it and decided it wasn't for him. I also had the thought in my mind I would be a total geek and I would be a loner...well that turned out to be completely untrue. I decided to try band and if I didn't like it I could easily quit. Quitting seems easy, like it is the simple option out of everything. But when I got into band I discovered how incredible and supporting the people are. The football games where I was in the stand screaming and playing my instrument gave me a rush. Quitting was and is out of the question. Today I am a sophomore in high school with the future of being drum major my junior and senior years! Back in 8th grade I would have never thought I would be where I am today. Thanks to my amazing friends and family who supported me and pushed me out of my comfort zone. I love band because its the reason I wake up in the morning, its the reason I work hard, and it is the reason I am happy.


Thursday, January 23, 2014

20 Helpful Tips for Band Survival

Marching season just ended as many of you band geeks out there may know,so right now we are all well versed in its rule and regulations. For your personal safety we have compiled a set of rules on the survival of band.

Rule #1: The band director is always right even if they are wrong
Rule #2: Refer to "Rule #1"
Rule #3: If you have to ask, you've probably been told
Rule #4: Never talk when the band director is talking
Rule #5: DON'T WEAR WHITE SOCKS WITH A DARK UNIFORM!!!!!!!!! You will look like an oreo... and you will regret, a lot
Rule #6: Never be without water(camel backs are recommended)
Rule #7: Don't wait till the last minute to tell your band director you have a broken instrument
Rule #8: Always carry duct tape
Rule #9: Treat you Guard with respect
Rule#10: Wear comfortable shoes to practice
Rule#11: ALWAYS keep your phone OFF in any band setting
Rule#12: Eat food before and after practice. You'll be healthy, happy and the chances that you'll pass out are much decreased!
Rule#13: Wear deodorant!! PLEASE. For the sake of of others. This is a plea not a rule
Rule#14: Don't leave your instrument at school over break
Rule#15:Don't make your section hate you (Know your part in the music)
Rule#16: Don't leave your stuff out (this is punishable by singing)
Rule#17: You are required to be enthusiastic while singing happy birthday. I don't care if you hate the person. I don't care if you love the person. YOU JUST HAVE TO
Rule#18:  The A+ students always has a pencil NOT A PEN
Rule#19: Have good posture when playing
Rule#20: In the eyes of the band, seniors are exempt from these rules. And let's keep it that way!(this is also a disclaimer)

If you follow these rules you will successfully survive marching band for your years to come. For the love of John Philip Sousa respect these well thought out rules!!!!!
-R and S